

Catch all the latest events, news and reviews from DAHON around the world

Fra stjernekrigsvåben til foldecyklel [gallery link="file" columns="2" theme="photomosaic" size="full" ids="24713,24714"] ...

  24 hour cycle challenge for charity We came across Stefano Dall'Aglio's blog via twitter, and not only is it a read we think any two-wheeled fanatic would thoroughly enjoy but he...

[gallery columns="4" ids="24728,24727,24726,24725"] Show roundup from Friedrichshafen Last week DAHON attended what many consider to be the event of the bicycle business, the world's largest bicycle show - Eurobike. Taking place in...

DAHON Vitesse D8 ...

First batch of Explorers announced We have waded through a mountain of entries and want to sincerely thank each and every one of you for taking the time to write to...

Duarte, California, - DAHON, the world leader in folding bicycles, brings several new high-performance models from the drawing board to the cat walk. Constantly refining designs and features in order...

Shenzhen, China - Folding bike leader DAHON has unveiled plans to launch a full range of mountain bikes, marketed initially in China this year. DAHON has a strong presence in China...